Assault Battleframe
The Assault Battleframe is the most well rounded of the dps classes, utilizing the powerful Plasma Cannon as it's primary weapon. The Plasma Cannon is versatile in that it can work well in close combat, deal fast mid ranged medium damage shots, or fire a large powerful mid range shot. The fact that the Plasma cannons primary shot has a small AoE explosion makes it extremely popular. The Assault Battleframe also has extra damage dealing abilities including a powerful ground stomp that utilizes its jet packs for a powerful stomp. The Assault Battleframe is known for being able to deal consistent damage while being able to take some damage as well. Newer players would enjoy using the Assault Battleframe for its ease of use and veteran players would enjoy mastering the Plasma Cannon.
Assault Battleframe Basics
Assault Battleframe PvE/AoE Build