Biotech Battleframes

Currently the Biotech is the player that will make or break your team whether you're out digging for resources or in a massive PvP showdown. Biotech Battleframes give the player the ability to instantly revive members as well as heal up the players on your team. Although a bit of an unsung hero, Biotechs are essential to winning.
Biotech Battleframe:
HP: 1250
Transfusion Rifle - The Biotech battleframes rifle serves to heal allies. By shooting an ally they are healed for a portion of their health making it extremely powerful.Abilities
Healing Wave: The Biotech Battleframes AoE Heal with a built in knockback. In PvP it doesn't do damage, but in PvE it does 500 AoE damage. This is one of the best abilities for disrupting opponents and saving lives.Healing Ball: The Biotech Battleframe Fires a bouncing ball of green energy that will heal the first target it lands. This ability can also be manually detonated for a small AoE heal in its burst radius.
Triage: The Biotech Battleframe has a 1 second resurrection on a targeted friendly player who may be down. Best PvP and PvE skill that Biotech brings in.
Poison Trail: The Biotech Battleframes primary damage dealing ability Poison Trail is what it sounds like. Where you walk a cloud of poison is left in your wake that slows down enemy movement speed and does damage every half second.
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